Women of this village do not wear clothes for five days in the month of Saavan, men do this work

Women of this village do not wear clothes for five days in the month of Saavan, men do this work

The month of Sawan has started. In such a situation, people who believe in Hinduism do many such things according to their traditions in this holy month, which you will be surprised to know about. Let us tell you the story of one such village in India today, where women do not wear clothes for 5 days in the month of Sawan. Along with this, we will also tell you why the women there do this and whether any rules apply to men in this village as well.

Where is this village

The Indian village we are talking about is located in the Manikaran Valley of Himachal Pradesh. The name of this village is Pini village. This tradition has been going on here for centuries. Women here do not wear clothes for special 5 days in the month of Sawan. This is the reason why entry of outsiders into the village is completely banned during these five days.

Why do women do this?

The history of this village in Himachal Pradesh is centuries old. Therefore, there are many such traditions here which are not seen anywhere else. The tradition of not wearing clothes for five days in Sawan is also centuries old. Let us now know what is the reason behind this.

Actually, at one time there was so much terror of demons in this village that it became difficult for the villagers to live. When the terror of demons increased a lot, a deity named Lahua Ghond came to this village and killed the demon and saved the villagers. It was said that when the demons used to come to the village, they used to take away the well-dressed women. This is the reason why even today women do not wear clothes during these five days of Sawan.

So what do women wear?

Today, not every woman in Pini village follows this tradition. But the women who follow this tradition by their own will wear a patka made of wool during these five days. The women who follow the tradition did not come out of the house during these five days. This tradition is especially followed by married women of the village.

Is there any rule for men as well?

It is not that there are rules only for women in this village. The rule for men is that they will not consume alcohol and meat in the month of Sawan. It is most important to follow this tradition during these special five days. According to this tradition, during these five days, husband and wife cannot even smile at each other. If you are fond of travelling, then you can go to this village. However, you will not get entry into this village during these five days of Sawan. The villagers consider these five days to be very holy and celebrate it like a festival. In such a situation, they do not allow any outsider to enter their village during these five days.

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